Newsletter #3

#3 newsletter

An update about the Creative Agora project


An Open Educational Resource designed as a transnational platform to exchange learning about the participatory arts in adult education is a place for all artists-educators.

The OER aims to promote participatory arts educational practice and methodologies to a wider audience of adult education practitioners, institutions and policy makers. It host a repository of learning materials and case studies that describe, explain and provide information about the use of participatory arts learning methodologies in each of the partner countries and connect with social media and interactive learning feedback channels as communication tools to support the community of practice.

It aims to present a contemporary environment reflecting the creative and cultural sector, with accessible communication/social media tools, audio-visual, narrative, graphic and animated material.

  • To enhance your participatory actions!
  • To Inspire and Learn!
  • To find a full curriculum, activities and case studies!
  • To expand your views about Participatory Arts!


The specific nature of artistic work exposes those who perform it to many stressors. In recent years, the burden of the Covid 19 pandemic and the complete inability of very many artists to practise their profession has added to the burden of the creative process itself or the stress of performing art. This time has forced many artists to change their profession or focus more on educational activities.

We also have to take into account the fact that most artists and independent arts educators do their work as freelancers or are self-employed. This exacerbates feelings of uncertainty about tomorrow and increases the stresses of functioning in everyday life. Another aspect is that many people in the artistic and creative professions have acquired their knowledge and competences informally and non-formally and therefore do not have the formal training needed to apply for full-time employment in cultural institutions. Nevertheless, these people sometimes have a wealth of experience and professional knowledge to share with others.

We have approached the issue of well-being, mental health and work-life balance from two perspectives:

  • as a resource for artists and educators to support their artistic and professional development
  • as an educational resource that artists and arts educators can use in their work with their mentee

Learn more about the topic burnout out in the article “Burn out and Afterlife: A Few Thoughts on Burn Out as a Part of Artist’s Experience” written by Weronika Murek, writer, playwright and columnist (link: and make some breath exercises with Wenancjusz Ochmann:

Find the source of your breath:


Breathing an effective tool to combat daily professional stress:


Evening relaxation through breathing:

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.