CREATIVE AGORA promotes the European dimension in non-formal, participatory arts education for adults from Europe’s disadvantaged and diverse communities. AGORA focuses upon the unique, intrinsic ability of community and participatory arts and creative expression to engage adults in learning who are alienated or excluded by traditional adult education offers, through supporting professional development of ‘artists as educators’ as being critical to fostering educational and social inclusion for all. The project updates this democratic and participative concept at the root of European culture for a digital age, re-affirming positive educational values of civic participation and inclusion as a restorative actions post-pandemic.
AGORA aims to design and transfer learning and practice between the fields of community education, the arts and technology. Its objectives include the creation of innovative, new learning materials for ‘artists as educators’, particularly sessional and freelance tutors working in formal and non-formal adult education settings. AGORA’s seven partner organisations from Sweden, Spain, Greece, Hungary, Poland, France and Croatia seek to develop a European learning ‘community of practice’ that fosters transfer and exchange of best practice between artist educators at a transnational level.
CREATIVE AGORA’s results will be:
result 1 – Participatory arts education: Technical Framework (learn more)
result 2 – Open Educational Resource for Digital Learning Community (learn more)
result 3 – Digital Learning Suite for Artist Educators (learn more)
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