Newsletter #4

#4 newsletter

An update about the Creative Agora project


This result of Creative Agora project creates a suite of flexible learning modules developing blended learning content in the identified areas that directly address the competence needs of the target group of artist educators. It comprises three modules, mapped against the competence framework established in the first result (Technical Framework) and integrated within the second result (OER).

  1. INTERNATIONALISING PARTICIPATORY ARTS EDUCATION. This module covers the intercultural competences artists educators require to internationalise their practice and engage with learners and artist educators in other countries.
  2. HEALTH AND WELLBEING FOR PARTICIPATORY ARTS EDUCATORS. This module’s focus upon the health and wellbeing needs of artists educators arises from the impact of the COVID-19 virus upon the livelihood of freelance artists.
  3. MAXIMISING SOCIAL IMPACT OF PARTICIPATORY ARTS EDUCATION. This module provides greater understanding of how participatory arts education practice of engaging individuals in artistic activities with the goal of personal and collective development empowers artist-educators, communities and learners to achieve social impact.

CREATIVE AGORA is a platform for community and participatory artists in their role as adult educators, fostering educational and social inclusion for all.

  • DISCOVER – First contact with Participatory arts, or social Impact, wellbeing an internationalisation
  • UPSKILL BY PRACTICE – We offer contributions from artist as activities to be performed
  • DEEP DIVE ON TOPICS – We try to provide always further curated resources for you to go further on a topic


Read some inspiring articles written especially for our project:


More inspiration can be found on the project website and in the community space.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.